IDLES - Meydei

| Keith
I love it how you love me so
Then you come and take my culture and go
I'll never tell you what I know
I'll never tell you what I know
What I fear, what I fear, what I fear

Take a little bit of Foals, a little bit of Art Brut, a little bit of Black Flag, a little bit of U2 (ha, yep), a little bit of Sex Pistols and a little bit of The Murder City Devils, mix it all up in a blender and you get crazyand the UK punk band IDLES. My brother introduced them to me this past weekend, saying that he'd been listening to their limited catalog all day long. I did the same earlier this week and it was a good, interesting, time.

RIYL: Foals, Art Brut, The Murder City Devils, Future of The Left

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