Childcare - Getting Over You

| Kerri
To help me get over you
I get dressed up in your clothes, I do
When I need to feel something new
I turn into you

We're always delighted when an artist we feature notices our little blog with a "like" or a retweet or something, but this was a first: a rep contacting us via FB to mention that a former member of a band we featured (TKAK) was in a great other band in London and would we take a listen? Childcare is that band and I've been listening. They have a couple earlier EPs not imported into Spotify that got glowing reviews across the pond, one saying something like 'They're bringing pop-rock back!" And the quartet finished out 2016 as a pre-opener for Bastille on a bunch of shows (ah, of course, friendship is a lovely thing). I almost posted "Film Club" from their Made Simple EP from earlier this year, but in my wait/backlog of other artists to post they released this track which is even more catchy and interesting. Hope you enjoy it and hat tip to Chris - and any other band member/rep in the indie scene trying to get exposure. The only requisite for being a Most Important Song is that we like it (and it's on Spotify)!

RIYL: Blaenavon, Black Honey, Knox Hamilton, Little Comets

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