Walk the Moon - Anna Sun

| Kerri
Live my life without
Station wagon rides
Fumbling around the back
Not one seat belt on
Wait for summertime
Coming up for air
Now it's all a wash
Now it's all a wash
Live my life without
Coming up for air
Now it's all a wash
I want everyone
Racing down the hill
I am faster than you
Wait for summertime
Wait for summertime

This week, I kicked off the blog with a nostalgic hit from 1977, and now I'm using it as inspiration/excuse to post a song that references childhood around that time, and sounds decidedly 80's. Anna Sun makes me feel like I'm re-living some perfect summer day from my youth, and I joyfully dance and sing along whenever it comes on. I also dance and sing along joyfully whenever I see Walk the Moon in concert - they are the most fun! This is happy, feel-good, (maybe throw-back?) song week, y'all! 

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