Shout Out Louds - In New Europe

| Keith

Swedish pop-wavers Shout Out Louds are one of the few current bands that really pluck my strings of nostalgia. They're most often compared to The Cure, and I get that, but a strong as the comparison is, that's not the string I'm talking about. (And that incarnation of The Cure, the dreamy poppy version, is not nearly my favorite. Give me the dark, gothic rock of the really early days.) No, to me they remind me of the more sophisticated wave-rock of bands like Visage and Ultravox. This latest single, "In New Europe" feels a bit lighter than all that, it's a bit of a chair dancer, but the hints are there.

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Charlotte Gainsbourg - Deadly Valentine

| Keith

Charlotte Gainsbourg is probably better known as an actress than a singer, but she's got a string of albums and some hits under her belt, the most notable of which is her cover of "Hey Joe". With her latest single, the provocative "Deadly Valentine" she brings some seriously funky beats with wedding vows delivered in a rhythmic chant that flows over the top as it rises and falls. Can't wait to hear the remixes for this one. Her new album, Rest, is out soon. Check the fun video below.


RIYL: Lykke Li, Chairlift, Fever Ray, Bat For Lashes

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Professor Murder - Dutch Hex

| Keith
Do they owe us a living?
Of course they do. Of course they do.
Do they owe us a living?
Of course they fucking do.

Almost a year ago we featured "Free Stress Test" by Professor Murder, a groovy throwback to the wild and wonderful club music of the 80's. They don't have a ton of music but I love almost everything heard from them so wanted to do another. This time we've got the remarkable "Dutch Hex".

RIYL: The Rapture, Alexander Robotnick, Telex, Cetu Javu, Psyche