Sleaford Mods - Mork n Mindy

| Keith

I think they have six or more albums out at this point, but Sleaford Mods are new to me as of this year. Their latest album, Spare Ribs, is a lot of funky; slightly awkward, overly serious at times, too silly at others and generally easy to love but hard to categorize. There are quite a few good tracks on Spare Ribs, so it was a bit tough to pick one. I went with “Mork n Mindy” for a few reasons, not least of which is the terrific guest vocal performance by Billy Nomates. Her latest, especially “Petrol Fumes”, is great.

Maximo Park - All of Me

| Keith

“All of Me” is one of a few single-worthy tracks off of Maximo Park’s latest album, Nature Always Wins. It’s good, as are most of their newer tracks, though I have to say, I’m not nearly as into this most recent effort as I have been in previous releases. Maximo Park is still right at the top of the “live bands I’ve never seen” list though, and I am very happy and excited that they have new music out. Now, if only we can get this pandemic business over and done with so I can catch them live, that'd be ace.

Black Country, New Road - Track X

| Keith

Black Country, New Road (which I’ll shorten to BC,NR from here on out) made an impression on me right away. “Sunglasses” which is a crazy, cool song, popped up in one of my playlists and when I heard it I did a double-take and went right black and listened to it again. And then I texted it to a few friends and my brother. A good sign.

As far as I know, BC,NR didn’t have anything else out at the time but have released a few other singles and a short LP, For the last time, which arrived in early Feb. Here’s the deal, they don’t have a lot of music out, but what they do have is awesome and very well evolved. I read somewhere that they’ve been playing together for a while and that shows. They are a bit hard to pin down, but “jazz-infused garage punk” might work, though, as always, labels are a bit limiting. They’re good and today’s song, “Track X” is a good example of what they do well, mixing melody, a variety of instruments and a lot of frenetic creativity. It’s a little on the mellow side but serves as a nice intro. Give it a listen and then check out their other stuff.

Fun note: their name came from a random Wikipedia generator and their album cover was sourced from Unsplash. Nerds. :)